Paper Instructions

The full papers should be prepared using the following MANDATORY format:

Paper size:                        8.5″ x 11″

Margins:                           1 inch or 25 mm on each side

Title:                                Arial Bold 12 centered

Authors and affiliation:  Arial 10 centered

E-mail of contact author: Arial 10 centered

Country:                          Arial 10 centered

Text:                               Single column Arial 10 justified

All text should have paragraph settings with no indentation, and spacing with 0 pt before and 6 pt after.

There is no limit in the number of pages.

The paper should be written according to the instructions and in a non-commercial way.

The full papers should be submitted as both Word and PDF files. The names of the files should be PWXX.doc and PWXX.pdf, where PWXX should be replaced with the provided reference number of your paper.

Full papers are due by 31 July 2023 and should be e-mailed to with the following:

  • any time zone requirements or limitations
  • are you willing to present live (yes/no)
  • who your presenter will be so we can watch for their registration.

For a paper to be included in the proceedings of the PAC World American Conference 2023 at least one author needs to be registered for the conference by 31 July 2023.  One presenter can only present up to 2 papers so plan accordingly with your authors.